Digital Transformation Brought About App Development, Together with A Different Set of Security Challenges

Digital transformation within the public sector is at the heart of Singapore Government’s Smart Nation initiative. Harnessing the best info-communications technologies to make a difference in the everyday lives of people in Singapore, delivering a citizen-centric user experience that makes things easier. Both private and public sector organisations play a vital role in materializing Singapore’s Smart Nation vision.

With a clear focus on delivering a citizen-centric user experience, an all-in-one government services mobile app was developed to offer a simplified experience across government services for citizens while on the move. The public will generally trust mobile apps from credible sources like the government and financial institutions, and most users uphold the expectation that their data will be kept safe. Yet, mobile apps are increasing facing the challenges of repackaging, modification, redistribution, and ultimately, stealing of users’ personal and sensitive data. With government apps carrying a significant amount of sensitive information, the government must adopt a comprehensive approach to app security.